Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mine & Sarah's Summer Party Song List

God, what a mouthful of a title...

Anywho, if you've looked at my Random Funny Moments blog you will have probably read about mine and Sarah's list of songs that she's downloading for her mate Jenny's birthday party (it's gonna be a hawaiian-summer-tropical-type party). So, because I think it is such an fab artefact of great historic-ness, I'm putting it on the blog....yeah. (GO MINI-STEVE!)
It's actually written on the back of a bingo ticket thing because on our last night we didn't leave the apartments till about 2:30am and just had to sit in the bar, bored. Plus, it is even more sacred, because it is the bingo ticket which only needed one more number to win 50euros or whatever the prize was. ...Damn you no.90....

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